For £1 a week, become a Climate Hero & Save the Planet One Tree at a Time.
Plant Trees to Offset CO2 & Combat Climate Change.
Help people, communities & wildlife worldwide as well as veterans in the UK.
Planting trees and conserving forests is an important step towards reducing our carbon footprint.
Carbon release from forests, can occur at any time if triggered by deforestation, tree decay, forest fires or decomposition of other organic matter.
Keeping in mind that carbon will not be stored in trees forever and that the overall carbon levels will keep increasing if emissions do, it’s crucial that we do our job of reducing our carbon emissions and our dependence on fossil fuels in addition to keeping our forest carbon sinks healthy and safe, so that they can do their job too.
At Rewards.Earth we create tailored rewards/offsetting programmes for businesses and consumers that help them achieve sustainability targets and live carbon neutral lifestyles by planting trees overseas and in the UK, using veterans.
All our UK tree projects are planted through the Green Task Force in partnership with the Armed Forces Covenant.
Sign up here now and help make a difference