The UK aims to be Carbon Neutral by 2030


Rewards.Earth can meet all your Business Climate Goals…

Whatever your carob goals, Rewards.Earth can ensure you deliver on the commitments made to customers, employees and shareholders. 

Rewards.Earth can provide your business with a bespoke carbon offsetting solution, designed to maximise impact and efficiency as well as to minimise on costs. – Jim Holland CEO

Certified Carbon Offsets
Dr Andrew Steel is one of the UK’s leading experts when it comes to sustainability and carbon offsetting. We work with Andrew to deliver high impact, cost efficient solutions to business. Whatever the size of business we can ensure you optimise your return on investment. 

Carbon Neutral Workforce
We can offset the entire carbon footprint of your workforce, so they are individually and personally carbon neutral. By providing this as a workforce benefit you will convey your social conscience to existing and prospective employees. This will positively impact on both retention and recruitment.

Business Travel Offsets

Production offsets

Online Shopping offsets